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Please don't take me ranking the second game over God of War PS4 as a knock against that game, instead take it as an indication of what an accomplishment this game is.

GoW 2 blew the first game out of the water in every possible way, and the first game was good! Still, I found 2's epic story, powerful music, sense of scale, and investment with the mythology to be magnificent enough to cement it as the ultimate God of War game fifteen years later!

Gone are the droves of repetitive enemies and static levels which help the previous game back. God of War two is constantly peppering in new enemies, levels hazards, unique set pieces, new weapons/spells, and mythological references which ensure there is something new around every corner. The fact that this game manages to have so much variety and progression without feeling rushed is amazing.

I could nitpick some dated graphics, a few characters who could have used more development, and an ending which I have mixed feelings about, but whatever problems this game has are washed away by a tidal wave of gaming excellence. The only real problem is that Kratos' character in this game feels like a regression from his counterpart in the first game. If he was more compelling and his personal journey more meaningful, we'd be looking at a ten out of ten game here.

Given what a huge improvement this game was over its original, I am all the more excited for Ragnarök.