2 reviews liked by RaymanLover69

This game is one of my favorites and will probably be forever. I have played through this game more than I can count and I never get bored of playing it. I first got Rayman 3 hoodlum havoc back when I was very little. Me and my brother would have turns and play the game, We wouldn't really get that far cause instead of continuing from where we last left off we would start a new game (we didn't understand English since we were too young & we are from Sweden so we hadn't started learning English in school yet.) The probably furthest we ever got to was the boss fight in Desert of the Knaaren or well, my brother did since I was too scared of the Knaarens and the zombie chickens. Another thing I truly love about this game is the music, everything from the calm soundtracks like Inside the Fairy Council and The Summit Beyond the Clouds to the more scary soundtracks like Haunting Spirits and Ghosts! every single soundtrack is good. Really the only problem I have with the game is the camera not working how I want it to sometimes. Some people will probably say I'm blinded by nostalgia and that's fine, we all have at least one game where we get carried away by nostalgia. Thank you so much Michel Ancel for this amazing game and I really hope that we can get a remaster or Rayman 4 sometime in the future or at least a new Rayman game since the last one came out over 10 years ago.

when i went to rate this game i initally clicked 3.5 stars, thought about it for a second and was like nah hang on... bumped it up to 4, then thought about it for a second and was like nah,,, hang on..,. AND THEN I REMEMBERED THE CHAO GARDEN