I love DnD but don't have the patience to actually sit still for long periods since theres not enough happening for my little brain, but this game is exactly what I needed.

I just wish Halsin wasn't broken all the time.

Rayman 3 is peak gaming.
It's funny as hell, dude.
If they remade this game or even made a sequel, it would save the entire franchise and I'm not joking.

I'm still mad about them cancelling Rayman 4.
I can quote this game from start to finish, that's how many times I have beaten this game in the last 20 years.
And while we're confessing here, I had a huge crush on Rayman when I was like 6.

The only reason I have never completed this game is because somehow my gamepak ALWAYS ends up corrupted from this game only.
That being said, I did play it for too many hours at a time and got through about 80% of the game three times before I gave up because it really did suck me in.

The Rayman games going 3D was one of the greatest choices they ever made, It really allows you to get a better feel for the world that you are dropped into,
However if you play this game while drunk like I did, you won't be able to distinguish the platforms from the walls because they have the same texture, and then you'll get mad because you're running around one of the first levels for an embarrassingly long time only to find out that you had been standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM for like 20 minutes.

I have never played a Yakuza game in my life, however when I was in college, I would lay on my roommates couch and zone the fuck out while he played video games and this was one of the only ones that ever held my attention.
I was fully invested, not just just in the story, but in the quests and mini games as well.
I was even cheering for him to win certain prizes and I wasn't the one playing.
Even though we have known each other for a long time, this game ultimately brought my roommate and I closer together, so it makes me happy.

4.5 stars only because they gave my boy Majima the fuckass bowl cut.

Let me preface by saying THIS GAME IS ASS.

Every time I boot it up I immediately get sucked in.
The story is easily forgotten as it is mentioned very little, and 90% of the game is filling out a map just to see a vague location of the staff, but it still somehow manages to sink its claws into your flesh and doesn't let go until you defeat that jank ass dragon.
And when I say the story is forgotten, I mean that they never specify how or why the king was poisoned, and whatever the hell a dragon had to do with it.
They don't even tell what became of the king, like did he die or???
As much as I would like to blame it on nostalgia, I refuse to believe an ass game such as this can have this much of a grip on me with fond memories alone.
There must be a divine force at play.

That being said, this game is perfect to play while you're baked. <3

This game is so silly, goofy even, but the amount of fear that i feel while playing this game is immeasurable.
The suspense kills me.
I have never played this game, imposter or otherwise, without feeling my soul leaving my body