It's funny how the quote of Stephen King in the beginning applies so well to why I loved this game.
"The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest, and it's what we'll remember in the end"
The late parts of the game were so confusing, but this narrative was so intriguing and charming that it made me appreciate the game as a whole.
That unanswered mystery took part of something really special.

Woke bullshit here and there, they outdid the first game on every aspect, except for the story. There's plenty of bad plot driven decisions, but it's pretty damn enjoyable even that way. Just could've been way better.

I enjoyed Second Son, the story was occasionally predictable but it still managed to be entertaining. The close combat felt a bit awkward and not smoothly executed, as well with a skill tree that lacks variety in a superhero game, but even with that, the boss fights and DUP hordes were a blast of fun.
Nice characters, okay story, average combat.

Great gameplay with a good and hooking story.
It's a great sci-fi narrative, and slaying the most colossal machines never gets old.

One of the most fun experiences I ever had gaming. I just can't get enough of the combat. Swinging around, enjoying the view, it's just so refreshing. The best Spider-Man adaptation in my opinion.