27 reviews liked by RedDust

This was what boomers played before birds were invented

they finally made a video game about what i say every day when i wake up



wasted a lot of time, was the best 500+ in the world. good times

When I was 6 years old, this game caused my PC to never turn on again.

In 1st grade, I had a girlfriend for a single day. I broke up with her because she said she was Level 99 in this game. The max level in this game was 40. SHE LIED TO ME.



Looking back on it, I really should not have been given access to this game as a child



I used to enjoy actively getting on IMVU daily to make friends, chat to random strangers, make slutty outfits and make the worst life decisions possible. IMVU is probably one of the worst choices as a child, you are exposed to so much on this that you shouldn't be exposed to. The only reason I'm giving this absolute shit show a 1 1/2 star rating is bc I met the love of my life here and we have been together for 7 years and going strong. About the only good thing to come from this trauma fest



if yo bitch look like she belong in this game drop her

only got groomed on this twice

I have very vivid memories of spamming the crouch button to "emulate" sex (im way too young for this) and being devastated that they nerfed it by adding a cooldown so you don't spam.