I honestly don’t know what to say about this game, it’s well made enough but nothing special. It just lacks the set pieces and spectacle that made the classics so great. The stages also completely steep in quality about halfway through. Amy as a playable character is nice tho

Most would say Advance 3 is super flawed. I on the other hand am dumb and think it’s super fantastic. It does have issues with collision detection and enemy placement, I won’t deny that. What I love about this game though is the amazing team system which adds so much replay value and depth to the levels. Plus the stages are way more enjoyable than Advance 1 or 2 imo, with a great blend of both platforming and speed and plenty of creative set pieces. Is that not enough? How about the collectible chaos? Or the ranking system? Or the minigames? Maybe I just have bad opinions. But I honestly think Advance 3 is one of the most underrated games in the series. And no, I didn’t grow up with it.

I hate to admit it but this is my favorite Sonic game regardless of how messy it is. All three playstyles are fast paced and have so much depth, and the ranking system cements that. Let’s not forget the ridiculous amount of content or the amazing soundtrack or the somewhat decent story or when Sonic goes “OH NO! DON’T TOUCH THAT LEVER!”

This game oozes style. The amazing spectacle, new mechanics, and creative stages prove this. Unfortunately, this game also oozes Dimps syndrome. The trial and error, forced pacebreakers, and clunky level gimmicks prove this. Although there’s no denying the Hideki Naganuma composed soundtrack is the funkiest soundtrack ever.