When she's mid but you love her

Mt meme não ter a seleção brasileira :/

Joshua carries this DLC hard

The first Fallout game made by Bethesda is also the first mainline 3D game in the franchise that proved to have great potential beyond the isometric experience of the first two games, but the depth of both the story, dialogue, characters and variety of weapons leaves something to be desired, especially as they are strengths of its predecessors and then its sequel, New Vegas, which manages to improve and evolve almost all aspects of fallout 3

Esse jogo aqui é bem diferente dos outros Fallout que vieram depois do 3, mas se tu for um cara q gosta de CRPG, esse aqui é bem divertido(apesar de ficar atrás de outros CRPG da época)
Se n quiser ver um guia, apenas priorize bastante inteligência, sorte e agilidade, além de priorizar nas skills speech, small Guns, lockpick e energy weapons


Eu pagaria pra ver uma luta entre o lobo de sekiro vs Sifu


The last bit of the game killed It for me

This game have anything you can ask for in a RPG, good characters, story, romance, quality of life improvements(you can hide your helmet and other small details) and a art direction that sometimes shines and knows how to make the game look better. PLAY IT.

Definition of wasted potential.

It feels like a dream a kid would have about being a good adventurer in a cruel world

I dont get why people hate on this game

I'm ready, dragon's dogma 2.