I feel mentally ill for enjoying this game as much as I do but I genuinely find it's gameplay to be addictive and it's story to be amazing, good job(?) Yoko Taro.

Miserably bad dialogue and god awful writing but oooohhhh that gameplay

Compared to the first game this one was sort of interesting. It was alright at best until the ending chapter where it pads the game out for an extra few hours for almost no real reason.

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This really is just Cold Steel 2 but you have Crow and Duvalie with you, it even pads the game out in nearly the same way CS2 does. The game itself is just okay but that really encompasses Cold Steel as a whole, it's just okay.

This game made me violent. whenever I played it I had to take 20 minute long breaks every 2 hours to cool my head off. I have never played a game that made me want to hurt people more in my life, good job Falcom!