Steam Next Fest February 2023 demos ranked

1-4 are day 1
5-12 are looks good wishlisted
13-16 not fully convinced/wait for big sale
17-20 you would have to pay me

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Various miscellaneous demos

Unapologetically a Mega Man game without boss weaknesses and fighting game moves.

Really short demo with 2 missions about 20 minutes but can go for good ranks.
This one feels very slow at the start. It spends a good amount of time just building up the setting and your background. The demo is, I would say, maybe half the case, with only 3 interviews being done with 2 suspects and the widow. "Searching for clues" didn't really happen here since everything was very straightforward and it even told you to pick stuff right away. The investigations take part in a memory reconstruction of each statement from the person you're interviewing, with things that you could interact with highlighted on mouseover. During these interviews, you might get a chance to interrupt and show evidence to back up one of their claims. Eventually, it gives you a little board to piece together and compare your findings, but even that feels a bit too restricted. I imagine the subject matter will get pretty depressing, and I'm not sure if I really want to play through it. Hopefully there is more complexity and freedom rather than just guiding you along everything. It's a bit of a weird demo, tbh like imagine demoing Ace Attorney but only having day 1 of investigation to play through.

Long demo if you want to talk and find out everything at about 90 minutes.
This was fucking sick. I'm a slave to deflection combat, and then this game decided to add the charm effect from Sekiro to grant a stronger benefit for perfects. They also just threw in Bloodborne rally because why not. Kill screens on bosses, boss challenges with global rankings factoring in how good you are, and a gorgeous, unique setting? This game is fucking sick.

Unfortunately, the demo is only 30 minutes, but it lets you go wild with the first boss challenge and go for record times on the leaderboards.
This one didn't load up in English for me, so if you need help on the main menu, go to the second option for settings. Then, on the second menu, go to the sixth option or the second option from the bottom to change the language.

Rusted Moss is great! Heavy usage of the grappling hook and fun physics. It feels amazing to just swing around and collect upgrades, like unique charm effects. The bosses were good, and there are even multiple platforming "challenges" that the demo warns you about; I'm positive the main game will be full of sick ones. The only negative nitpick was that the time trial challenge didn't have an easy way to restart. It even has a level editor?

The demo is pretty large, probably 2 hours on average or more if you want to get everything.

It turns out that resetting is ctrl-R but this was not told anywhere until the final version of the game.
A pick up and play 2D platformer with some great controls & music. It was just an intro world, so the stages weren't amazing, but your moveset is already leaning into it being fast paced along with the timer on each stage incentivizing you to go for the green time ("beat the trophy"). There are also screws to get alongside going fast to give you a perfect score. Could see this getting really addicting to go for better scores. 

Very short demo of about 5 minutes if you do a normal run, or you could go for permadeath for a bit longer.
You are in a room after a murder and are told to answer five questions. The demo ends when you do, and you won't have any indication of being correct until you finish the demo. I liked how much freedom it gave you to just figure out what happened, but I did feel like a bit of the details were left out. There are locked doors in the area only in this demo, so maybe the demo was just incomplete? I imagine the full game is just many different scenarios like this, where you're just dropped somewhere to figure it out. I'm hopeful for this in the future, but I'd also like to see some camera options since moving around was pretty jarring.

A short demo of about 20 minutes, depending on how good you are.
This one really made me feel like I was playing Genshin with the voice acting (imagine every anime dub) and lots of pointless stats in the stat tree it throws at you. It also seems like there is random loot, but it's cool to have different weapon types at least. The boss would have been good if she wasn't so horny. I could see myself playing the full game if I can stomach the visuals or if it's cheap down the line.

The demo is decently long, lasting for about an hour.
Bloat the game. There are so many systems and stats here that it feels like a terrible mmo. There's a gathering stat that you gain as you pick up random items, and stamina depletes each time you use it. It seems like they just kept adding more and more things without thinking about how much of a chore playing is. They even have the random stats on the same equipment, which is awful.
Long demo for about 2 hours if you want to keep playing for everything.
I mean, the gimmick here is a gun with an umbrella, right? The umbrella is a neat idea to use as a dash and a floaty tool, but other than that, there's nothing really special here. I can only hope bosses become the highlight, but it really seems like they want to push the world and quests for this one.

Short demo of 30 min. 
You get to hit pigs with a bat. Very similar to Shovel Knight, but I want to replay SK first before this.

Short demo with 3 missions for about 30 min.
I was pleasantly surprised with this one since it looked very generic. Your sword can catch on fire, and you need to use that to traverse throughout the game through puzzles, enemies, and platforming. Near the end, you get another weapon, so I imagine the puzzles get a lot more intricate later. Shame it was just too easy even with the simple combat. Hopefully, this turns out great because the mystery seems great.

A short demo for about 40 minutes.
Not for me. Just seemed like every character action game but don't take my word.

A short demo of one "mission" for like 10 minutes with a training mode and endless waves mode too.
Eh rare miss I couldn't even be bothered to finish this one. I get the vibes they're going for, but it didn't hit with me at all. The boss was ok, but I really did not want to play this one anymore. Easily the worst one I played personally.

Dropped 30 min in.
I don't know why this seemed so boring. The gist is you're on a world with no explanation really with your only objective to find ship parts. Walking anywhere is slow because of the movement speed, and everything is a LONG distance away. Combat is basic, with stamina and a roll with a gun or a sword you could use. Not really any depth, and your stamina drains so fast from rolling or attacking with the sword that you're forced to spend half of the "boss" fights just kiting to let it regen. None of the bosses are anything special, and the level design is just a straight line in each direction. I did find one puzzle, and there are some locked doors that just involve beating the boss right in front of you. The one village I found with a shop had prices way too high for this point in the demo (I hope it's not the case in the full game). Pretty barebones overall with lots of fluff items you pick up that do nothing atm.

Big meh on this one and would probably just get if reviewers end up having good words about it.

Decent demo length for around 1 hour.
This still has a lot of jank to it and was a bit disappointing to me. Sometimes my air attack wouldn't happen, and the level design wasn't really anything special. Yeah, it might just be the first mission, but still, it sucks.

Very short demo only 1 mission about 15 mintues.
This is a weird one, with barely enough information to judge what the game will actually be like. Half the time is just spent on cutscenes, with like 5 minutes left to spend on driving in a tube into a kind of twin-stick drive battle arena and grappling. Hard to tell what the actual game will look like but I'm not convinced on anything yet.

Extremely short 10 min demo.
This one felt a bit awkward. It started off with a bug on the intro where you just take dmg during a cutscene so you can die and get in a save loop of just spam dying. Once you actually play it, it feels ok, but the sound seems way off. The parry mechanic has no oomph to it and feels awkward to use on enemies. It is pretty simple, and they also decided to add achievements lmao. I'm not too big on this one, but maybe down the line it will turn out well.

A very short about 20 min demo.
This seems like it could be a good one, with the nice spritework and the steampunk world. Then it throws this at you full of pointless stats. The boss wasn't too great since they only gave him two moves. I wasn't a fan of the map either but I have huge hopes for this game please...

A short demo of about 30 minutes, right when it got interesting...
Maybe there's a bit of bias in playing this after a bunch of 2D platformers, but this was perfect. Such a nice, relaxing game to just mess around with different vehicles and work towards collecting stuff. It kept giving me the feeling of "ooh, I wonder what is over there" or "does this do anything?" with it working more often than not!

Very short to collect everything in about 20 minutes, but you can go as long as you want.
I wish I hadn't played this just to save it for the full game. There are so many questions I need answered.

It is a short demo about 50 minutes but imo if you have any interest in the game it's best to save it.


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