He really had to put one of the longest levels with the secret exit and probably the toughest secret method I've seen so far...Some nice quick starts and cool backdrops for certain teleports.

Pretty similar style to his other stuff, but with a bit more effort with the cyberdemons. It still has a weak finale and a very repetitive level.

Short, breezy maps that could stand to use more Doom 2 demons.

It's just a standard old castle map with windows breaking. It looks good, but it feels like one of those 100,000 levels you could find from back then. A lot of enemies you find will be in very similar formations, making it even more of a stock level. Has lots of ammo to play up the power fantasy.

I really love how the readme is a .bat file though and includes stuff like this

There might be a little too much Baron of Hell spam near the end, but the fortress in map 6 was great.

Pretty much a perfect E1 replacement into just a good E2. I really liked the death exit on E1M4 into being in prison and having to break out in the next map.

This was great for so long, but once map 25 hit, I became exhausted at the next few levels. I never want to touch those again, even though I loved the rest of the WAD! Maybe if they were spaced out better, but that gauntlet of them just drained me.

 It's a pretty slow start and ends not too far later. I don't regret spending the few $ to buy it but don't really want to spend anymore time with it.

It's pretty good, but I really don't care about any of the exploration or points of interest (there are like 100 of these, really?). It's a shame that's almost half the game. It still has a few bugs, and I crashed in the exact same place as the demo twice, so I guess they needed a bit more time. Arena mode was nice to get rid of the fluff, but the random aspects in it just make it worse.

"good for '94" less ambitious amount of sequels that may come out in the future.

"good for '94" pretty ambitious amount of sequels

It almost feels incomplete...The Egyptian voices would bug out and loop sometimes, the ending is very abrupt, missing a BFG equivalent, the archvile replacement is really weak, and you don't fight any bosses or higher-tier demons. The scenery was nice, and exploring the maps was enjoyable.

While limitations can be interesting, there are some real stinkers here.

It really just plays like another episode of the first doom game, with nothing really standing out. It felt like each level had more monsters than the original E2 and a decent final level.

Most of these puzzles are just dodge rockets in an obstacle course while the cyberdemons get crushed. I'm not sure why I expected more elaborate puzzles, but I did get jump scared in the secret level. It forced me to get a pistol start mod because gzdoom sucks