2 Reviews liked by Revaamp

One of these games that has a fantastic foundation due to it's movement and gamefeel but suffers from structural issues.

There not being a map seems like a mistake. It doesn't even need to be a very detailed one, but just roughly seeing where each of the different areas are in relation to the others would've gone a long way.

I feel like some of the later areas could've benefitted from more challenging jumping passages or even an optional area akin to the Path of Pain in Hollow Knight, but overall the game offers enough opportunities to use your entire moveset on. The "shot" ability just seemed pointless to me. It just blocked my progress arbitrarily at one point and doesn't get much use otherwise.

Would love for this to get a sequel that expands on what is there. The moveset is fantastic already, so getting to use it on even cooler levels without the confusing progression would be amazing.

I could also mention the combat, but it's just ... there. It didn't bother me but it lacks complexity.

Would definitely recommend it since 3D Metroidvanias are super rare and this one does a good job.

Link really hit me in the feels when he said "Hyah"