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PinClock finished Jet Grind Radio

This game alongside Sonic Adventure are the two faces of the Dreamcast. I don't make the rules those are just the facts. Sonic is Sonic, but JSR has the graphical style, the personality, the music, it earned its place! All of the aesthetics of this game easily hold up.

Shame it doesn't play better though.

Everything aesthetic about the game is fairly iconic and of its time, but the gameplay is too: Turning is never that great, sometimes you can just get stuck jumping hoping to god the game will stop snapping you to the rail, or you can go from a speedy jump hoping to get ON the rail but either miss or just land on it somehow. The worst of all these is the camera however, which when I played was also binded to the Graffitti button (which gets real jittery in the spray races) but really its issue is that it doesn't get along with the cityscape level design. There are so many corridors and walls for the camera to either not follow the player properly or get stuck that it becomes a bit of a nuisance to have to stop and reset the camera so I can see where I'm going. It's fine in more open stages like Shibuya and the final boss but really bad in places like Benten.

Enemies start out fairly simple to avoid but get obnoxious in the late game. It's funny that these guys are flying around on jetpacks trying to shoot a guy spraying graffiti but like can I please shake you off my trail it's hard to do anything.

But those are the only real issues, you improve the controls, camera, and tell the lategame enemies to chill and you get an iconic and stylish as hell game to unleash its full potential!

2 days ago

PolaroidJack finished Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
(Beat on 6/8/24)

I don't really know how to describe this game. Clearly Final Fantasy made some radical shifts with FF7, usually that's the entry people gravitate to as far as 'modernizing' the series yet even so I think there's a lot more in common with 7's structure to its predecessors than 8 with any game in the series up to this point and, to be frank, most staples of the RPG genre as a whole.

I didn't quite know how 8 unfolded outside of some of the opening missions and somehow assumed much of how the game was structured off that mostly; the game being based on some sort of mission/grading structure that could be repeated or reattempted multiple times. Somewhere between these missions you'd go and play Triple Triad as a break from the norm, maybe you'd get some fun rewards and after some set up you’d continue parts of the main plot.

Instead, while preparing to play this game to its fullest I saw discussion about how easy it was to actually game the system- this caught my attention, namely how SOON you can get the train rolling. I followed suit not realizing the inertia with which the game’s functionalities would stack on top of one another. So much of this game goes beyond the scope of what I come to expect of an RPG, and while there’s a lot of experimental titles in the franchise this being tied to FF of all things just perplexed me. Again, FF7 still FELT pretty kosher to the idea of an RPG structure.

-This is a game with:
-Boss Fights that give 0 exp
-Level scaled enemies and bosses from front to back
-No permanently learned magic
-No 'permanent' actions other than Attack
-A stat spread based off magic drawn from enemies
-A stat system based on Summons with unique unlockable skillsets that include
>Drawing magic from enemies
>Drawing additional Summons off enemies
>Further boosting stats off percentages
>Further boosting stats upon level up
>Unlocking which stats can be boosted in the first place
>Unlocking elemental attack and resist options
>Unlocking status attack and resist options
>Unlocking free versions of healing/reviving magic
>Upgrading basic magic into mid-level magic
>Upgrading mid level magic into high level magic
>Upgrading medicine
>Mugging enemies for unique items
>Carding enemies to end fights with 0 exp
>Turning items into end game magic
>Turning items into Ultimate Weapon materials
>Buying from stores from within your main menu
>Buying items for cheaper
>Selling items at higher values
>Turning off 50% of Encounters
>Turning off all Encounters
>Killing yourself
>Finding hidden Save and Draw Points
-A card system that rewards the player with more cards, with its own evolving ruleset that just gets worse and worse if you dont stop the spread at the root in one town
(Triple Triad Rules)
>Several questlines and opportunities to nab rare cards
>Modding these cards into items, magic and upgrade materials
>Modding purchased items into better items sold at higher prices, creating infinite gil
-A full party by the end of Disc 1
-Ultimate weapons by the end of Disc 1
-A recurring payment based off rank

Ironically the most recognizable trope FF8 takes for granted is it centralizing on a school setting- a trope so martyred in discourse but an honest rarity in the franchise for the most part.

I want to say as far as the cast and certain aesthetic go, Final Fantasy 7 will remain king in my heart- 8 would have an uphill battle from there. However for what its worth Squall at least stands pretty close to Cloud as far as protagonists go and Rinoa is a pretty great foil turned love interest. Not my favorite party but for how small the party is they're all at least solid in their own way. Laguna and his gang are also pretty rad, coming along with one of the best battle themes in the series.

I think the only thing really holding it back is I do just feel so ingrained in the ways to break it that it just feels so...unnatural. Part of this is on me but it does feel just absurd the lengths you go through to beef up your character. I guess it just feels weird not having a sorta ‘virgin’ experience with the game but with how cracked out you can make your party (and how easy it is now that 3x speed is an option…), then sure I’ll take what matters I need to drawspam Meteor and Flare in one battle.

I think one confusing element is just when exactly leveling should be prioritized. If you wanna be funny with it I pretty much went 90% of the game at an average sitting around level 17, although really at a certain point you at least wanna get to level 30 as that unlocks the last tier of magic that can be drawn. Granted, most of this doesnt matter too much its incredibly easy to grind at any point in time you have access to battling.

Length of certain cutscenes can feel a bit absurd, mostly in just how drawn out certain directions are. Some moments just linger on the same shot as a character walks slowly across to the party on the other side of the screen. It's a weird in-between, too grounded for earlier, classic FFs jumping freely between facades in a space but too soon from FFX setting the standard for high budget, voice acted, cinematic experiences. From FF7's success we at least get several, several impressive CG cutscenes. FF7 certainly proved the franchise can work in a 3D environment (bar confusing area layouts)- but FF8 was Squaresoft at its most showoff and it's pretty wonderful to see when large scale gatherings and battles bloom out of set piecey segments. Also a damn good reminder I should finally check out Parasite Eve.

I think this will be a FF that'll grow on me- I was already enjoying it quite well aside from some perplexing setups, and I feel more attached to other aspects of other games in the series but on a mechanical standpoint this was such a blast to dismantle. Even the story elements, while I feel somewhat lukewarm on a ‘scenario’ level, have some pretty stand out moments across each disc and I have a fondness for how delightfully deep they go into Squall’s standoffish nature and his relation to Rinoa. On to IX, eventually.

3 days ago

3 days ago

6 days ago

Zapken backloggd Max Payne 3

6 days ago

Zapken backloggd Max Payne

6 days ago

PinClock completed Dexter's Laser Lab
Kid me definitely killed himself way more than he solved puzzles.

6 days ago

PinClock completed Heli Attack 2
The one game I went to Miniclip for

6 days ago

PinClock completed Powerpuff Girls: Pillow Fight
It's kinda like a simplified version of checkerboard chase
It's still fun slamming the others with pillows.

6 days ago

PinClock completed Super Brawl 3: Good vs. Evil

I was that Rabbids Timmy guy sorry not sorry.

6 days ago

PinClock completed Super Chick Sisters
I remember I converted this .swf into a .fla to try and learn how to make platformers in Flash.

So anyways that didn't work but hey "how do I make game" was a question on my mind at the time.

6 days ago

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