My god, what a glorious comeback.
As a long time fan of the series, I can not describe the pure joy I felt seeing, and then finally playing this absolute banger of a game, after it seemed like there will never be another entry in the Devil May Cry series again.
And certainly not a fantastic one like DMC 3. (Especially after the shitshow that was the release of the DMC Reboot)
While DMC 4 and the DMC Reboot were fun, but not as great in comparison, the developers certainly had a legacy to live up to.
And Capcom fucking outdid themselves with this one.
Easily one of the best fast paced action games out there. Hell, even Dantes gameplay ALONE is so incredibly fun and complex, that he can hold up to that claim. Nothing was more fun than discovering more and more combo routes that link into each other, until you've carefully crafted your own ol' reliable combo.

While I think there are some negative points like the design of some levels, or the lack of usage / purpose of fan favourite characters like Lady and Trish, they are simply outshined by the sheer amount of FUN and fanservice I've got throughout the entirety of the game. So many callbacks to older entries in the series, with its own unique touch, so it doesn't feel that cheap.
And the enjoyment also comes from the music that is cleverly integrated in the gameplay. Not only does the music synchronize with your gameplay, which results in the song being at its most HYPE part, while you are at the PEAK of your gameplay, but they are fucking bangers as well.
There is so so much room for replayability with the gameplay variety, and time you can put into learning tons of new combos, which makes it a game I can happily revisit anytime.


I'm gonna go back in time to stop the person that started saying it's "subnautica in space"

I used to love this game as a kid, when I played it on my iPhone 3.
A simple and fun infinite runner, where the game gets faster and thus harder by the second.
The game also has some creative customizable options which fit pretty well.
It had microtransactions back then too, but it was definetely manageable, and "more optional" if I might say so. You earned most of the consumables you can use, while playing the game.
But today it has waaaay too many microtransactions and ways to make the game easier, or rather last longer. And it's all so annoyingly in your face.
It suffers from the usual mobile game trope nowadays: "WATCH THIS AD TO GET DOUBLE THE REWARD + 5 REVIVES"

The challenge I used to love is long gone


I believe the "game" is dead now. It's outshined by literally anything today
But this was some fire social network back then. Customizable avatar you could move around with?
Hell Yeah!
Customizable rooms you can chill in with your friends? Hell Yeah!!
Although most of the cool clothing was locked behind a monthly pay wall, and most of the cool furniture was locked behind a regular paywall. Which is cringe.

I guess there is a small part of the community that excludes and belittles people without extra premium habbo club VIP stuff. But that's just a few sad people.

You can get some stuff for free from other people, and trade your way high up. I was a kid and had nothing better to do than to chat with people, and trade stuff. I became an actual child mogul.

It also had some neat mini games made by the community, where you could win stuff, if the user was legit.

In hindsight tho: It's the internet, so there were many very weird people, and actual predators mixed in.
(Like on every social media platform sadly)
I think I didn't get molested while playing this as a kid. Or maybe I was just too dumb to realize, which is more likely.
I had a great time overall anyway

In the end I resorted to private habbo hotel servers that basically made everything free, so that I could customize rooms as much as I wanted, and talk to other people with Style! Puts on sunglasses with cool music playing

OG mobile game!
Inferior to Subway Surfers I guess, but Subway Surfers wasn't released yet when I played this.

I liked this game, but the only appeal here is to get a higher score than your friends.
Otherwise the game is not that engaging regarding its environment, obstacles and music. Running away from a bunch of monkeys is funny I guess.

It's not as annoying as current casual mobile games with "watch this ad" and "get this upgrade", but the core problem is still present.
They definetely didn't let the game corrupt that much. On the other hand: it is very old and outdated.
But my guess is that the newer temple run entries will have more problems in that regard.

I don't remember much of the game, but I always used an exploit where I changed the clock on my phone, and the game said that my people disappeared due to time travel accidents

I played this when I was like 7 years old, and it was one of the most horrifying experiences I've ever had.
I'd absolutely love a remake!

I mean, you can't really rate this as a "game".
You can just rate your experience with VRChat, its people and its "people".

There is an insane amount of character models, of which only 40% have more thought behind it, with fun extra features for even more shenanigans.
And for me it is more enjoyable if a model has character specific effects that you can toggle.
Other than that, you can really find any model, out of any media you like, if that's enough for you. Simply walking around as Mr.Krabs or Carl Wheezer surely is satisfying.

Hopping around already chaotic rooms with friends and funny models is always fun.
And if that's how you get to know the people in certain rooms, doing the same shit, ay that's the best part.
Cause then you do all this stuff together.

Socializing per se however, or even simply talking with certain people is really hit or miss.
A big part of the community toxic af. But that's just the internet for you.
This mostly affects people who camp at a mirror for 8 hours, without roaming the map.
Some of them really are "anti fun" in that regard.

Don't get me wrong, I did have nice talks with people in front of the mirrors, but those were rare occurances.
If you do your funny business and bullshittery in the room, they will most likely ignore you, which is totally fine and understandable.
No problem with that.

But god forbid if you try to normally engage into conversations if your user rank is below a certain level, or you don't use a VR Headset.
You do get discriminated, ignored and frowned upon very often.
It goes the other wy around as well though. There are way too many people shitting on people who are just enjoying the game in VR, which is not okay either.
It's very elitist at times, and you recognize the same pattern of behavior in the way these people talk and engage with each other.
Very stereotypical of your average edgy weeb to be honest.
(I love anime as well, shit)

But hey, you can ignore them just as well.
You will find sympathetic people around you very quickly.

Other than that, there are a LOT of dedicated Rooms for games and such in VR.
It varies from Among Us, visiting museums or exhibitions, rooms FILLED TO THE BRIM with Ned Leeds: the CEO of Sex, being in the backrooms, or games you play IRL, but in VR, like hide and seek, or a form of "if you did this thing in your life, take a step forward", escape rooms and much much more.
Or even just really really beautiful and chill places to hang out.

Overall, I really like VRChat, disregarding that little problem mentioned before.
You should really give it a try, and explore it yourself! There is much to discover.

Mind that I only played Skyrim twice when I was a kid.
Once in 2011, and once in 2014. So my mind is not really fresh on that. I plan to replay it soon though.

Retrospectively, the writing for so many questlines I loved, is just absolutely garbage.
And the gameplay is fine to me, but not that great in the long term as well.
Regardless, I can't bring myself to give this anything other than a 10/10.

Playing Skyrim was one of the best gaming experiences I ever had in my life.
"Accidently" spending entire nights playing this game,
exploring the world, finding so much interesting stuff at almost every corner, getting distracted by every discovery, instead of following a certain questline?
That infinite loophole of new AND INTERESTING shit to do, while getting rewarded for EVERYTHING (Thanks Todd Howard for shooting dopamine through my brain for every single little thing I did)
Damn, that was so incredibly fun for my kid brain.
Combined with that unique atmosphere, with absolutely BEAUTIFUL music that I still listen to today?

To be fair, I haven't played many RPGs after Skyrim, but nothing ever came close to that feeling.
This is absolute blasphemy to say, but not even Elden Ring made me feel that way for some reason.
Despite being the absolutely better game in every regard.

And not to forget all the modding that is possible, which basically kept the game alive.
Visuals, sounds and even entire custom questlines are just really really neat.

I will probably change my mind when I finally replay it.
But for the time being, I'd love to keep that memory.