Look at how they massacred my boy

The f slur was NOT a mistranslation :skull emoji:

New plants, new zombies, new stage designs, cleaner art style, and is the reason Garden Warfare exists
This game is unironically a fuck ton of fun

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The ending to this game is horrible. It causes people to read into it expecting a concise answer on why she killed herself, an answer that doesn't exist because it's obvious the creator threw it in for shock value. Suicide is a topic that should be handled with WAY more care than it is in this game. If you can't do that then you shouldn't included it at all.

Other than that the music is just not for me, and void backgrounds of most of the stages are kind of a let down. The snow world and puddle world are k*no though, so that saves it from the 1 star.

They fucking sold physical copies of this game for money

Oh the game? Yeah it's fine

This game literally gave me calluses on my 10 year old ADHD fingertips


I'm bad at this game, which means it sucks >:(

This game is what 3d Pokémon should look like

You buy too much Pokémon Trading Cards.
Now we are homeress….

Nathan, can you stop asking me to play 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim? How many times have I told you that I don't have a Nintendo Switch?

More realistic political commentary than MGS3

It's like if The Neverhood, Dr Suess had a baby and it really like ambient music. It's short and sweet and on Itch.io check it out!