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Time Played

0h 59m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 15, 2024

Platforms Played


Um Jammer Lammy is a spin-off of PaRappa the Rapper, taking place in that same world, but with a different cast.
Katy from the last game is back, as part of Lammy's band, MilkCan, but the focus of the plot is more on Lammy herself.

I can see a lot of people relating to Lammy, because she is a nervous wreck who has trouble speaking her mind, and as such, she finds herself in various wacky situations, that she needs to go through if she wants to pass and make it to the MilkCan Concert on time.

Because of this, cutscenes in this game can get quite frantic, chaotic and fast-paced, due to the sheer insanity of what Lammy is being put through. I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for her.
Unlike last time, the cutscenes actually do fill the entire screen, which is nice.

The gameplay hasn't seen many changes from last time. The UI is different, but you're still pressing buttons at the right time alongside that level's specific character. It's just instead of rapping, you're playing your guitar... or something else, depending on the situation.

I feel like the timings aren't much different from last time. They're a bit more forgiving, and it feels like if I follow the groove of the song, I can pass just fine, but by the end, it once again got difficult understanding the exact timings of the songs. However, tt does feel overall better, which is a good thing.

Just like last time, the songs themselves are also pretty good, and I do like the genre shift from PaRappa the Rapper, being more focused on the guitar solos, which I liked. And one of the cooler things about this game is that after you beat it, you can play through the stages again with different stipulations, like playing as a team of Lammy and Rammy, or playing as PaRappa himself! It gives the game a bit more replay value, which is appreciated for a game that can be beaten in less than an hour.

Overall, Um Jammer Lammy is a cool spin-off to PaRappa the Rapper, and while it's still not at the best it can be, it does add more to the overall experience.