What a delightful game! Likable cast of characters and fun writing. My only issue is that during some court segments I would present what I thought was the right piece of evidence dispite the proper answer leading to the same conclusion I had already came up with. Very minor considering you aren't penalized too badly.

Was alright until a game breaking bug occurred a few hours from the end. Combat was weird but I got used to it. Wanted to like it but it just really didn't do it for me.

Let the record show that despite all of the decrying over this game I gave it an honest chance. Now excuse me as I put on my clown make-up.

AAA third person shooters always feel like I'm constantly trudging through waist high mud. This game feels like I'm completely submerged, whilst most basic enemies feel like they have cheats enabled. I can't tell what kind of combat the game wants me to incentivize with the human enemies. Cover shooting is a no-go since most enemies will pop you as soon as you poke you're head up and then go to cover just as fast, and the aforementioned mud feel makes running and gunning feel like butt. Stealth was the most favourable way to go about things, but my partner NPC pushed my character directly into the enemies line of sight enough that it became exhaustingly annoying.

I was surprised how well this game ran on a vanilla PS4, considering how dense and honestly stunning this game looked. The character animations were bonkers, and my machine sounded like it was about to explode with a shitzillion zombies on screen but it managed to keep itself under control.

Sooooo the story is a bit lame. It started out mediocre and besides a few small peaks and valleys it never really becomes anything more or less than that. It presents itself in such a way that makes it seem like they had two half finished ideas. There are revelations that occur that just make entire sections of this journey frustrating. That being said, and this may be the most unpopular opinion in regards to this game, I did kinda like the ending. I'm not gonna wax poetic about how the game handles trauma, because it actually handles it quite poorly, but the ending at least felt like it was delivering a message that went a little deeper than the most surface level schlock they were feeding until that moment. Didn't save it, but I was glad I was left with some sort of emotion while the credits rolled. Also Ashley Johnson as Ellie absolutely kills it throughout the whole game.

I may be coming off more negative than I ought to be, but it's hard to ascribe any positive emotion to a game where I know the folks working on it were working in such shit conditions without feeling like I'm endorsing such shit conditions. The game looks great. The crunch isn't worth it. Anyone who thinks otherwise has brain rot.

And it certainly wasn't worth it for this.

Not really doing it for me. Going back after games like Stardew Valley make it kind of a dull experience.

If a gacha game ends up being my GOTY I'm doomed.

Taking notes from Breath of the Wild feels like the most obvious thing in the world, but they add a simple but engaging combat system that makes it feel like it's own thing. Sending out a butt load of elemental skills and having them react in various way to just melt the enemy is incredibly satisfying.

The characters you meet along the way all have nice little adventures that flesh them out. The side quest are short but can be evocative. All the tertiary dialogue found in books and from NPC's bring a lot of life to the world. However, when it comes to the main story it ends up being a little weaker. The big moments are rushed through and lack any sort of build up. They just kind of come and go with less impact than they deserve.

This should be the exact kind of game to activate my loot box brain worms, but luckily it's fun enough to just play without feeling the need to drop mad amounts of cash. Which is very fortunate because the pull rate for 5 star characters is disgusting. I have played for approximately 200-300 hours and have pulled 2.
The incentive to buy is very dangerous.

This is definitely the most value I've personally gotten out of a free game.