4 reviews liked by Rivercoco

Uma cópia de Animal Crossing que supera muito o original

Esse jogo é extremamente gostoso e divertido de se passar o tempo jogando, e diferente do Animal Crossing você tem motivo pra jogar porque tem, de fato, um monte de coisas pra fazer

A única coisa que eu acho insuportável dele é a falta de QoL. Tem um monte de tarefas que são tão mais lentas e repetitivas do que deveriam ser simplesmente porque sim?

E o pior de tudo é que eu sei que literalmente na sequência do jogo a maioria das coisas que me irritam vão embora então que saco!

I always preferred this over Animal Crossing because it had cuter designs and a spooky vibe. Genuinely a shame it never became too big here, it’s adorable.

Everyone calls it an animal crossing clone, but once you get into it you find out it's much more than that. Quite a lot more stuff to do compared to AC since it's not just decorating and selling stuff. Also the student/villager designs are pretty cool and more about the supernatural and weird rather than just animals.
Oh, depending on the version (american, european or japanese) the music is very different, one has public domain tracks and the other has original music, though i can't remember which ones in specific.

So based having actual boss fights in a racing game and with them also being very fun