While better than the main game aesthetically, it's not a full game really so unless you plan to replay it a lot, you'd be fine skipping it. The fan service and gameplay is fun but it just reminds me that Power Stone is dead.

I had a weird amount of fun playing this in co-op but honestly I don't think I'd ever have fun without that. It's not as whimsical as the first one but not quite serious enough to be a deep story so.. It's an odd game. Fun with a friend but that's about it.

A corny, fun zombie game. It's not a particularly great game but if you want something that doesn't take itself too seriously and is highly replayable, this is a good one. Playing around with an "open world" concept but having so many weapon options really mixes up subsequent playthroughs.

The only reason I gave this half a star is because I don't know how to go any lower on here. Valkyria Revolution had an extremely troubled development but also a severe lack of understanding about what makes action RPGs fun. Instead of being a cool, stylish action spin off to one of my most beloved RPGs it was a tremendously boring, uninteresting, thrown-together slog. Fun fact: months before the game came out, they restructured the entire combat system. Now you have a single attack button that does a set three-hit combo and a spell button with painfully uninteresting effects. This never changes for the entire game and there's not even a Warriors-like attack system. You get the one button for attacks and a handful of borderline garbage spells. Bosses are also damage sponges so be prepared to spend 30 minutes or more on a single boss fight, doing the exact same three-hit combo and maybe a spell or two if it's weak to the element. I got to the final boss and gave up. After multiple hour long attempts at getting the final boss to half health I gave up. There was no way I'd level grind for this awful game that made me frustrated and miserable. I moved on. Looked up the ending on YouTube, it sucked. Not worth it. Gameplay, arguably the most important aspect of every video game, is so astronomically terrible that you should not even bother trying this. Don't do it for the meme, don't do it if you're a fan of the series, and especially don't do it if you care about your mental well-being to any amount. Valkyria Chronicles 4 came out after this game and I couldn't be happier. Let this game die and never attempt it again if this is the end result.

After the travesty that was Valkyria Revolution, I'm glad they returned to form with this game. Did you like Valkyria Chronicles 1? Then you'll be happy to know that it's more of the same. I'm not a fan of how "the true ending" unlocks but it's a minor nitpick. Overall a good game from beginning to end.

While it has quite a few beginner's traps, Valkyria Chronicles is an extremely unique RPG. Think of it like a Fire Emblem or XCOM tactical RPG but add in a third-person camera. Highly recommend giving it a genuine shot. Don't be discouraged by one or two failed missions, it will happen a couple times on your first playthrough and that's okay. VC is a terrific game and any version of the game is fantastic. Every version of the game other than PS3 includes the DLC as well but it is not necessary for the full story. You'll fall in love with the characters and story. A stylized, oil painting like, Europe set during the early 1900's, the dreaded Empire is taking over and Squad 7 of the Gallian Militia aren't going to take that lightly. You command the Squad as you navigate various cities, deserts, and battlefields as you fight to stop the Empire from harvesting the world's precious resource: Ragnite. It may not win awards for originality but it's satisfactory for narrative context. The character interactions are what you're gonna stay for and they're all a fun bunch.

Like, objectively speaking, it's not a deep game. There's not a lot going on. You get a few sport games that showcase the controller features and how they work. Anyone who has played Wii Sports knows that you will inevitably find yourself returning to this every so often despite the simplicity. Bowling, especially.

Put a little too much time into this honestly. Very cute, replayable game.

Not much of a game to be honest, it's more of a workout tool to supplement to a real workout routine.

The visuals and mini-games are a bit rough but the boards are pretty great with each one being much more unique on an individual level than past game boards.

While I don't think every Mario Party was batting 100%, this is the first legitimately terrible Mario Party in my opinion. The mini-games are alright but the new things it attempted should best be left behind. The car mechanic is a really huge step down in terms of strategy and the linearity of the boards is severely less interesting. Couldn't be happier about the series returning to the classic style in more recent entries like Super Mario Party and Mario Party Superstars.

While not my favorite game in the franchise, Mario Kart Wii is a ton of fun despite the infamous item balancing. The game is hectic, runs smoothly, and has a legitimately great roster of fun Mario characters. It also can not be understated how much the modding scene for the game has done to keep it alive, rivaling and surpassing, Super Smash Bros Brawl in terms of how big the modding scene has gotten.

A fairly simple, "fun enough" on-rail shooter. Calling it good would be a stretch but it's a perfectly serviceable pack-in title for the piece of plastic it was meant to sell. I'd love to see this again, maybe as a mini-game in a full Legend of Zelda game.