76 Reviews liked by Robertybob

the sniffer is the most forgettable fucking animal I can’t believe it’s actually in the game

Unhand this game from its wretched exclusivity at once

here's the thing. you can either pay for 3 months of rent. or you can play Gimmick! EXACT☆MIX

this shit sucks why is there pac man

i was actually a little worried going into this game cuz i thought it was just gonna be more dream land 2, and in a way it is, but (pardon my poor explanation) that's not really a bad thing? specifically, i was worried about 100% with the heart stars in EVERY SINGLE LEVEL being required. thankfully, the amount of pain to collect the macguffins has been significantly reduced compared to DL2. every level, with the exception of one, (6-5 in case you were curious) gives you the tools to collect the heart star within the stage itself. this might sound like the lowest of low bars, but this is an absolute godsend compared to DL2. i genuinely wake up in a cold sweat sometimes remembering the cloudy park crystal drop. anyways yeah the game is pretty good and you should play it. if you liked DL2 this should be a no-brainer

It’s never a good signal when a short game, and I’m talking like FOUR HOURS short, feels overly long. Kirby 3 is a fun and often clever game, particularly when it’s showing you new abilities or new ways to use them with your animal pals, but just never differentiates from the rest of the series in a way that feels exciting, and if you’ve played these games recently it really starts to feel redundant. It is the best looking game in the series up until this point, and it is in my mind better than the almost unplayably slowness of the 64 Kirby, but just doesn’t cut it.

This game is so cute to look at but god damn why does every single action end your dash and then it's so hard to start dashing again it makes moving around feel like such a slog. The little green bird is my new best friend though.

4.5 star game -1 star for the fucked up dashing but +0.5 for Pitch

Someone in my family is/was super into Felix the Cat, to the point where he's got a tattoo of Felix on his arm. So I got both the NES and Game Boy games in this "collection" as a Christmas gift almost thirty years ago. Absolutely loved them at the time, so I've got tons of nostalgia & bias.

Coming from someone who's a genuine fan of these games? I can't recommend this package to most people in good conscience, you know? What you've got here is the exact same games from my childhood—plus an unreleased Famicom version that actually never made it to Japan. The Famicom one is 99.9% identical to its US counterpart; it just has Japanese-localized text. I'm mystified by both its inclusion here and the fact that it exists in a complete form at all. For those who don't know already, the Game Boy Felix is virtually identical to its console brother. It just has much fewer levels, even if it still manages to capture "the gist." As a Game Boy nerd, I find it pretty impressive!

But the "three games" bundled together in this "collection" are really just one. The stuff you expect to see in "retro game ports" is here and easily accessible—a single save slot & the ability to rewind. But that's really it, and it's a crying shame. They could've included manuals, art, magazine scans—anything!

As it stands though, I'm betting most of the $24.99 here went towards paying Universal and Dreamworks for the license, haha. You'll beat everything here in a single sitting, even if you really try and stretch it out.

I'm glad this exists. I still miss Hudson Soft a lot. But I'm not screaming from the rooftops for anyone to try it, unless you're a Felix fan or you like games with Kirby influences & quirky transformations.

i think im the only person on this earth who bought this game without knowing about homebrew. and i kinda liked it. like i used to draw comics of all the different ninjas in 6th grade.

unrelated but anyone know how to go about getting an ADHD diagnosis?

The game was so ass it broke the 3DS security

bargain bin special babyyyyy

This game made me realize that Sonic 1 is actually not that good.

Just for the sheer amount of content, this has to be one of the best game compilations of all time, there's a couple of glaring omissions such as Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Gunstar Heroes and Revenge of Shinobi but overall a great collection.

The fact this would have had a puppet aesthetic the original Star Fox had in marketing instantly sells me on it. Can't believe higher-ups didn't so much as mull it over.