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Time Played

33h 33m

Platforms Played


An overall solid addition to the Metal Gear series. The gameplay, as you may have guessed, is based around stealth. The difference is that this game feels much easier than other MGS games I've played, probably as a result of it originally being on a handheld console. The first four chapters are pretty good and pretty easy, but the end of chapter four has a huge difficulty curve. After completing chapter four however, the game unfortunately makes a huge mistake in chapter 5. It does end in a satisfying way, but the road there is bad, filled with repetitive plot points, not that much story and generally feels really filler-esque. If it wasn't for that sequence, this game would easily be an 8, but this unfortunately downgrades it to a solid 7. Also, the soundtrack is really good as you would expect from this series of games.