Ok, so this is solid proof that Kojima still has it in my opinion. This game was absolutely masterful from start to finish, and I will gladly tell you why I think so. First of all, the level design is probably the best I've ever seen. It feels like every rock, cliff and river is placed there with care, and therefore almost every mission feels absolutely amazing to play, with its own peaks and valleys, but in this case literal peaks and valleys. It literally feels like every option has been given thought, so no matter what route you take, it ends up feeling like a true journey. Now, secondly, controlling Sam feels absolutely incredible. It took a few hours to get used to, but after that I was hooked on controlling him! You truly have to treat the ground like a puzzle in this game, navigating around rocks all the time while simultaneously controlling Sam's balance and speed so you don't go too quickly or fall over, dropping all your packages. And finally, we get to the story, which felt like a beautiful rollercoaster ride of emotions. I have almost nothing bad to say about it, and it ends wonderfully on some moments that make you recontextualize a lot of things that have happened in this game. It has so much lore too, and most of it is very well developed and makes sense within the logic of the world. I feel really bad for people who didn't like this game, becuase I fear that they simply played it the wrong way. I've noticed that people who dislike this game in reviews and stuff are mostly people who try to speed through everything, where as I liked to take it slow and had a blast with just about every second of the way through. It's a shame, because I really think some of those reviewers would like this game a lot more if they just got through the first three chapters, because everything beyond those is top of the damn class in my opinion. One of the best games of the last decade, and a true masterpiece in my opinion!

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2020
