Loved the artstyle.

Gameplay is pretty tradional mostly just a 3d platformer in VR, character feels a tad too floaty imo.

I'm not sure if I understood the story exactly, but it was fun.

The game can be beaten in about 1:30 to 2 hours, depending on if you are getting all the extras.

Basically a prologue to a game that never came to be.

Early VR that never really fully realizes the VR potential, no motion controls very basic gameplay of walking from point to point and shaking/nodding your head.

Slightly interesting Norse story, but it's really hardly even an intro rather than a story.

Fun enough at the time and maybe a decent demo to show to new VR players but not much else these days.

It certainly feels like a launch title, story is fairly basic and under developed overall, joule lives on a desert planet with robots to get the planet ready for a larger crew of colony ships, but the robots have turned even and you need to learn why, you do then you climb a tower and get nothing else resolved.

Gameplay is fine, but repetitive just shoot strafe and command you companion to attack, enemies are basic and lack variation.

I like the desert environment but it got repetitive and stale quick.

It's not bad but also really not a memorable experience.

Currently, Early Access and about 2.5 hours of content.

Some of the puzzles feel extremely arbitrary and without a hint system had my racking my brain as to the rationale a few times.

Really impressive game for the build engine.

I really appreciated the attempt at making a more tactical shooter in an engine really never designed for it.

Only major issue was the big open Dubai level which was too easy to get lost in. story was also a little hard to follow as much of it is given via text dialogue during gameplay which is hard to shoot and read at the same time.

And I would have light a slightly longer campaign but it's free so cant really complain about that.

A-Tech Cybernetic Originally released in 2017 in early access then Full release in 2020 but unfortunately in that time VR games were advancing fast and A-Tech feels a bit dated even in 2020.

Graphics are still quite good they held up really well, Voice acting and the story is decent not a deep rich story but admirable motivations and two-voiced characters interacting is fun.

The gameplay suffers but no manual reloading or two-handed weapons was probably a design choice too keep the gameplay fast-paced but in turn also lacks depth guns mostly all end up feeling too similar except for fire rate.

Enemy variety is also not incredible basically three zombies some that shoot and one big hulk zombie.

I also had a number of issues due to my headset's HP reverb and left-handed, sprinting and teleporting did not work until I fiddled with the key mappings. and these are required for too sections.

Also had some bugs invisible walls blocking paths fell through the world once and got stuck on geometry at overturn moments.

overall not a bad game but seems to fall short compared to Dead Effect 2 VR which was a mobile game port were A-Tech was build from the ground up to be VR.

Game makes no sense being a rogue-lite it should just be restart-able chapters, this would also come with the benefit of being able to have more complex puzzle like stages rather than the rather basic levels we have instead.

The game is way too narrative for a roguelite hearing the same dialogue and very specific story just does not work repetitively.

The story itself is also pretty crap, vague and pretentious tumblr fanfic style writing. Its about the main girl and her emotional trouble with her friends and family but its so vague and shallow that if it wanted an emotional pull to it I did not land for me.

All the characters have their pronouns shown besides there name everyone is normal except Desta who is non-binary, but its weird it doesn't really matter so much in the story except for one guy who calls her "She" one time and immediately becomes all sappy when he is correct then stops, like that's not conflict that's not an interesting character. also the game lets you skip this entire 'altercation' if you want, like if you are going to do a missgendering plot have the courage to commit to it you cowards.

In summary Gameplay is alright but basic, level design is boring and uninspiring, Rogue-lite elements actively work against this game, and the story is sappy fluff. overall I would suggest skipping this.

Enjoyable enough, but such a grind even when playing the Netflix version which has removed the P2W elements.

At some point near the end game its not so much a challenge but just a matter of waiting to get enough resources to level up your gear, not super fun.

Graphics looked great however and good enemy variety

I can't compare it to the original as I've never played it but It feels like a step down from RE2 (2019).

While still pretty fun I thought the atmosphere of the city to be less eerie or as intriguing as the police station, and I didn't really care for Carlos and Jill as much as I did Leon and Claire.

Most of all I disliked the more linear action oriented gameplay of RE3 compared to the more backtracking and puzzle focued gameplay of RE2. it's still a good game just not quite was I wanted out of it.

Overall a decent game more action focused and less horror which I thought I would like in theory but less puzzle focused I enjoyed less

Very outdated controls by todays VR standards, no smooth locamotion and an awkward teleport and rotation system, that only allows rotation on teleport.

The game is very short and really just a demo for the second game. all the puzzles are really short and simple.

The graphics were good in 2016 but nothing remarkable now.

I wouldn't really recommend it, its only about 90 minutes long and really feels like a dated early VR title (cause it is) gameplay is really basic just teleport movement and a bit of a wave shooter at the end. The story is fairly odd I assume some of the jank comes from the developers not being native English speakers.

But at the same time I still kinda enjoyed it maybe I'm just really easy to please, but I like the Graphics I liked the space/mars setting I enjoyed having a Companion in the form of your commander and Robot buddy.

The Game is Fine but really nothing that special or notable (I am avoiding the pun)

Story is bad even by video game standards, it really paint by numbers and predictable sci-fi dystopia setting could be interesting but Family issues and poorly realized memory gimmicks are just badly written I dont want to spoil the story on this 10 year old game so I wont go into detail any more on that.

what I will say it what really kills the story is the pacing its so poorly paced out characters are introduced and forgotten at the drop of a hat early on their is a lady who you rewrite her memory so she thinks he dying husband who needs money for treatment is already dead so she "joins the resistant" what does that mean she acts as a drop ship for the player twice and is never mentioned again... what the heck what about her husband is he actually dead now that she isnt trying to raise money anymore we just got that guy killed?

This happens with every character too there is a black guy we met early on he tells us we are old friends and give us our gear we leave and then a little later his bar is burned down then he is never mentioned again. a Character called bad request we meet for 1 minutie to give us a memory and then way later his is imprisoned we are supposed to care why exactly we hardly know him.

Villains are like this too I can get why they dont get mentioned after beating them since that's like the end of their chapter and all but they need a start for that to work, instead villains work like this they are introduced 2 minuses before their fight exposition all of their backstory then are defeated and forgotten I wonder what Kid Christmas is up to no never hear from him again.

Combat is this games strong suit its Batman Arkham Like sticky combo combat with a twist that you can augment your combo's with healing damage or cooldown reductions its neat but I could never really get a hang of the odd timing lag in combo stacking and mostly stuck to X X X combo

Level design is mediocre lots of linear hall ways that open out to a fight dome then return to a hall way

Soundtrack is really good some odd choices in setting and theming between the songs but I dig it.

Graphics were pretty good some muddy textures but overall the world and character designs are quite good.

Some pretty great visuals and art style, weapon variaty and feel was also good, however terrible mouse acceleration makes aiming unbearable, horrendous level design and terrible pacing make the game a slog to play.

Honestly quite disapointing, First off the game is buggy and unpolished, I had the game crash multiple times enemies fall through the ground and objectives not trigger.

Animations are super jankey and stiff.

Story is complete crap and poorly fleshed out.

gameplay is good but poorly balanced levels and difficultly

Pretty good game really liked the artwork and gun play, movement also felt very smooth.

though a map after you unlock areas could have sped up some of the backtracking.

also some of the later rooms have so many enemies that the only strat ends up being camping out in front of the door ways instead of engaging which is kind of lame