What I love most about Eternal compared to Doom 2016 is that instead of making you feel like the DoomSlayer Eternal makes you BE the slayer. The added difficulty makes this game feel more rewarding and pressures you to earn the power fantasy you so desire by mastering the games mechanics (just like in character action titles) as opposed to it just being given to you like in 2016. This game requires skill and isn't an " ditch all your previous weapons to the overpowered endgame one and call it a day" slug fest, it requires mastery and full knowledge of the fundamentals of it's movement and slayer knowledge like weakspots, chainsaw and grenade management, and weapon switching on the fly. Also, the enemies in this game are "brutal, relentless. But you are worse." There is a loop to it's gameplay! An fps character action game if you will. REAL FRICKIN GAMING!

My dreams have disappeared

To be quite honest with you, this game shines the most with it's music and boss segments, outside of it it's pretty eh. It feels a bit too weighty and awkward when fighting groups of small enemies for my liking, it feels like this game should have been a boss rush like how furi was instead.

Very memorable though. Maybe we could get a sequel someday.
