My dreams have disappeared

To be quite honest with you, this game shines the most with it's music and boss segments, outside of it it's pretty eh. It feels a bit too weighty and awkward when fighting groups of small enemies for my liking, it feels like this game should have been a boss rush like how furi was instead.

Very memorable though. Maybe we could get a sequel someday.


What I love most about Eternal compared to Doom 2016 is that instead of making you feel like the DoomSlayer Eternal makes you BE the slayer. The added difficulty makes this game feel more rewarding and pressures you to earn the power fantasy you so desire by mastering the games mechanics (just like in character action titles) as opposed to it just being given to you like in 2016. This game requires skill and isn't an " ditch all your previous weapons to the overpowered endgame one and call it a day" slug fest, it requires mastery and full knowledge of the fundamentals of it's movement and slayer knowledge like weakspots, chainsaw and grenade management, and weapon switching on the fly. Also, the enemies in this game are "brutal, relentless. But you are worse." There is a loop to it's gameplay! An fps character action game if you will. REAL FRICKIN GAMING!

Closest thing to a character action berserk game. rest easy, Miura.


Actual greatest of all time

This game is so much fun, I've seen the light. Has FARR from the best level design in the series, but really makes up for it with probably the deepest combat in the series. Goat.

Fuck dmc fuck bayonetta fuck ninja Gaiden fuck all the rest of da bullshit this GOD HAND HERE!

You can
Kick/punch people out of the solar system
Kick people in the balls if they are male fighters
Chihuahua race
Suplex a gorilla
Fight two VERY gay men on the first level
Beat up the power rangers
And Fist Fight hordes of dominatrixes
Need I say more?


I don't hate this game but to be honest I find it very disappointing as a sequel to DS1.
1 could get away with the janky bosses and weird glitches because it was the beginning and had much to offer with it's world and lore.
However, 3 as a sequel barely innovates the series at all.

The new mechanics for the gameplay are completely useless in the long run and the bosses are for the most part, mediocre as hell.
I can only name 3 that I actually enjoyed the rest are standard big boring monster. I wouldn't have a problem with this as some other games I love bosses aren't really all that either too but the gameplay loop made up for it while Souls isn't known for its gameplay to be quite honest.
Whereas with DS1 the bosses (while inconsistent at some segments of the game) are soooo much more memorable in general.

The atmosphere for 3 sucks major ass as well, it's like there's an overly saturated piss filter on at all times, I know it's a nitpick and the world is supposed to be all dead and ruined but DS1 had that going too but did it much more better. These games are known for their atmosphere it shouldn't be this bland and boring to look at.

I'm pretty neutral on the level Design so I'll just be quiet on that.

I also much prefer the lore for the first then this one. Some good concepts here just not so good execution.

Dlc is great though and the fire keeper is cute atleast, maybe I'm just a spoiled classic purist, but whatever I guess lmao.


I love this DLC's add-ons like the hammer and levels, however it should have been way harder. The master levels give you the definitive experience.

Davoth should have been more.

I can see why people like this game, but tbqh I'm not very much interested in the characters or aesthetic persay, maybe I'll pick it up in some years again to see but for right now I don't think it's for me. The music 10/10 however

Despite the combat being a downgrade from DMC4, I legitimately think this game is a great way to get into action games, I should write a full review when I replay again to elaborate.

"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing."

I really appreciate how simple, yet in-depth the exploration is, comparing it to other metroidvania like games and its map it feels much more simple to navigate and never too tedious as well. The atmosphere, music and animations are smooth as hell too, I can see myself playing this again in the future honestly.

Damn good game definitely worthy of being a classic.

"Bayo 2 exists just for Bayo 1 to be better than it already is."

The combat relying on its witch time mechanic this time around to perform combos or damage/stagger at all even on medium weighted enemies sucks a lot of ass, the enemies are extremely horrendous in terms of gameplay design where they just dodge everything, have horrendous telegraphing cues on the animations, it just does not mesh well. This really upsets me considering how much Kamiya and Platinum valued these points of their games, and just become completely betrayed.

As flawed as the combat is compared to the first I do like it still (albeit less when I replayed it), I like seeing some of Bayo's subtle character development throughout I think it's pretty cute from the first, and I do adore the additions of Younger Balder and Loki, think they're great I love their interactions and the way they all bounce off one another is so dope.

The visuals are a step up too, but the first game is much better still all around.

The story isn't as compelling in it's second half and kinda is bleh with loptor at the end was underwhelming to me, I like that the first was more mysterious but ramped up at the end once Bayo started figuring out who she was is WAY more interesting compared to here, I think she was a much more complex character in 1 then here. Jeanne had a much more interesting role in my honest opinion in 1, this time around here they kinda wasted her not showing her interact with the other cast members besides Bayo. Some pretty wasted potential there but hey whatever. I enjoyed seeing that after the 1st game she seems more relaxed after knowing who she is and having Jeanne back as her homie and being able to get close to her again since the end of their teen years is nice. I like their relationship alot in the games, I think it's well developed and honestly? Real asf. You can tell Cereza, Luka and the gang have made her warm up to others more instead of distancing herself off from new people in her life.

I do love this game to a degree. But as I sit on it I notice the holes more throughout, wish Kamiya had more involvement here instead of being a supervisor.

Hope 3 expands more than what this one couldn't with Kamiya coming in as Executive Director this time around.

Yuzu goat
I love Bayonetta
Best waifu


Lowkey miss my vegeta-doomguy character I created back in 2017