2D Stealth Platformers

A weird subgenre of stealth games that I've fallen completely in love with.
(this list is a WIP, I'm still playing through some of these and figuring out the history of the subgenre, but I wanted to make this list to keep track.)
If you have suggestions PLEASE comment them! I'm ALWAYS looking for more games like these.

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Highly underrated, the level design is a bit more restrictive than the first game but the toolkit is WAY more expansive.

The first three levels are excellent and fully exemplify the concept, and the bonus levels are currently the most fun I've had with the genre.
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
The game that set me down this path.

China introduces the weighty, snappy, reactive stealth platforming I fell in love with. The toolkit is smaller than India but the level design is perfect from beginning to end.

India got a bit too ambitious and ended up severely unfinished, China is perfect for what it is.
Still working on this one, but it's a masterpiece in every way.

It exemplifies all the mechanics that make this genre for me, playing with levels of visibility, messing with the environments, tools for handling guard attention.

Take everything you like about reactive stealth games and make it work on a more controllable 2d plane, that is this game.
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark
Another example of heavily paired down 2D stealth.

This game strips is way down to context-sensitive interaction and positional visibility.

You play with shadows and avoid camera/lasers/bosses/etc...

The game hinges on a speedrun mechanic which can be neat if you're motivated by that sort of thing.

The idea extremely strong regardless, even without all the mechanical complexity of other games.
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
second verse same as the first.

I haven't played enough of these two games to talk authoritatively on their differences yet. will return with more.
Mark of the Ninja Remastered
Mark of the Ninja Remastered
I've struggled to love this game.

Mechanically this was the inspiration behind chronicles and most people will tell you it's the superior game in every way, offering TONS of stealth potential and simulation.


idk, I think cause I fell in love with the weight and movement of Chronicles, I can't quite like this game. The movement is SO floaty and you cling to walls so awkwardly, also the decision to basically NEVER let you run is kinda iffy, and vision cones are a bit weird...

I need to spend more time with this game and shed my bias before I can really review it.
Trilby: The Art of Theft
Trilby: The Art of Theft
So this is the oldest 2D steath platformer I'm aware of.

Yahtzee Croshaw, the zero punctuation guy, made this way back in the day.

It has a shocking amount of the groundwork in it. All the visibility and maneuverability mechanics I see iterated in later games of the genre, and a lot of movement tech that's surprisingly unique to this tiny freeware game.

Yahtzee is certainly an experienced dev and games analyst, but I somehow doubt he invented the whole genre.

Regardless this is a really good game.
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
The few people who even defend chronicles will still warn you against this game.

It's bad, no way around it.

The whole game forces you into claustrophobic, instant-fail, tiresome challenges, one after another.

The level design absolutely WASTES the brilliant potential of the excellent art design and (the real kicker) shockingly well expanded mechanics.

we now have vents, and a slightly modified/expanded toolkit. Shame the game completely wastes it having you fight a tank.
Master Spy
Master Spy
This is a little TOO paired down lmao.

like if this genre existed on the fucking NES. there's basically two mechanics.

It's actually not a bad game at all, it's just so bare minimum that it's hardly the genre I've come to love.

But the imagination is there.
Planet of Lana
Planet of Lana
A cinematic platformer that includes minor stealth elements. Hard to call it a stealth platformer per se but it certainly scratches my itch a little.
Shadow Complex Remastered
Shadow Complex Remastered


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