1044 Reviews liked by Ryanthecollector

While I have wondered aloud what a 4S would look like, a vision where maybe Chun’s SA2 doesn’t get to store a whole goddamn bar, I cannot simply feign reality like this and claim Third Strike isn’t worthy of full marks. I previously had it at 4.5 stars, and it was that way since I joined this site. Reason? I dunno, a mix of self-perception issues and a fledgling handle on how I’d divvy up these (ultimately pointless) scores. It does say something, though, that I quickly shelved it at 4.5 - near perfection, but lacking something to elevate that... uh, that...

That what, though? Like realistically, would I care if they made Twelve better in the roster, OR is that yucky little glue-ball ultimately more valuable to me as a character so obviously shit that when I’m playing against my friends, I can choose him and pray that I get a match, leading to the moment where I state, dryly, “Dude, you lost to Twelve.”

At some point, I’d have said differently. However, I think I’ve finally reached the moment that 3S has been selling this whole damn time. Countless hours (seriously, this may be my single most-played game ever) have slowly shaped me into someone who just paces through the cast of characters, taking a stab with Necro or Remy (though I always have a home in Urien) in hopes of discovering something that sparks the fuse again, as this game has reliably done several times since first playing it.

It’s ultimately a trustworthy game for me, one of the only multiplayer games that I value both as a design and as a surefire lightning rod for good experiences. I love basically everything about it, even if it does come out sounding differently.

I want the island to be real

Fun? Yes
Wonky? Somewhat but I can overlook that.
But man looking back at this and then seeing XV, I'm glad everyone will look better in the next game.

The very best Jak and Daxter game, let me tell you why.

Even though Jak and Daxter (1) have much better platforming, and generally a less cringey tone
- and even though Jak III added many improvements and variety to the gameplay - they are still inferior to Jak II in one key aspect: Atmosphere.

Haven City just has this opressive quality of a city under a desperate siege. It strikes a balance of being brutal, without being too grimdark. The two-proged struggle against Baron Praxis' facist regime and the monsterous metal head horde lends purpose and urgency to every mission.
That is where Jak II shine brighter than basically 99% of other open worlds - where the player often is left to ponder why they should even bother progressing the story.
Sure, it has some insane difficulty spikes, but it also gives the player the means to deal with these. Except that one turret section.. fuck that.

All in all: A truly special game, one of my favorites.

This review was written before the game released

Looks great. Fuck the toxic people.

This is an amazing platformer. Somehow, Naughty Dog got the controls down perfectly. Crash's movement is smooth and his jumps are no longer the worse thing ever (like in Crash 1). The levels are creatively designed and Gems are a much more feasible side objective. Such a good game.

not as bad as people make it out to be but uh. woof man this is not how you design a collectathon platformer

also that beetle can eat my shorts

When people say 'One of the worst games ever made' it's not an exaggeration. You already know how bad it is, I don't have to tell you.