3 reviews liked by RyoCaliente

Vice City has some great characters and an amazing story, but the controls and the gameplay ruined my experience. The lack of checkpoints in the missions was pretty annoying, especially considering you lose all your weapons upon death often making it a chore to prepare for the mission again. A lot of the 'difficult' levels like to throw infinitely spawning enemies at you which becomes quite frustrating, especially since you don't respawn with your weapons.

The map of Vice City is really cool, I enjoyed exploring the map a lot and finding rampage activities as well as hidden collectables, it was also really cool when I'd stumble across a weapon I hadn't seen before randomly in the open world. Things like this certainly push exploration more than the recent titles which I love.

I felt like the story started off pretty basic; a drug deal is ambushed and Tommy, the protagonist, must make back the money that was lost. Without going into spoilers, after a few hours, the story began to take some turns and gained a lot more character which had me hooked.

It's a shame the definitive edition remaster of this game was such a disappointment because I think with refined gameplay and modern graphics this game has the potential to be a masterpiece.

Best fighting game I have ever played when it came out.

I also spend two decades playing this serie in high level competition across Europe and Asia, which allowed me to make close friends that I still keep until this day in my life.

It's a brief experience that you likely could finish in one sitting. It's also not quite as memorable as the game it's expanding. Yet, it's somehow an even more rewarding experience than Half-Life 2. While the overall story still isn't the draw point of these games, the world and these character have really grown on me. They all have an welcoming energy and the dialog is as sharp as ever. I felt far more excited to be along for the ride in this outing. As things began to come together from the events of Half-Life 2. The gameplay is also more thoroughly thought out and tighter. Fire-fights are more dynamic and skin of your teeth, thanks to a three fold improvement of squad mechanics that add more complexity to the encounters, A.I. that really keeps you on your toes and an environment that feels more designed to highten the experience than show it off. At the end of the day though, this is more Half-Life 2. You'll know if it's for you. It's definitely for me and I had a great time with it.