I paid 5 euros for the base game and still felt scammed

I remember the music videos more than the entirety of this series itself

From it's tone to it's animation to the refined gameplay, The Last Blade 2 is an underrated work of art.

Dan Hibiki was right about this one

why did capcom try to sell a mugen fangame

it has terry bogard so you can say it's OK!

who should i kill for this game to get the UM treatment with rollback

Yakuza 0 is a game that delivers on every aspect, the story, characters, music, combat, the vibrant cities of kamurocho and kabukicho that are full of side quests and other activity to do... I cannot find a single grip i have with this title and it has quickly became one of my favorite games of all time the moment i finished it. If you somehow still haven't experienced this by now, you are seriously missing out.

Remove the rage/power crush and this would be in my top 3 fighting games of all time.

Also please no more random journalists in the next story modes thank you.

Gameplay is improved upon but still not perfect, that being said this has THE best SP offering out of any SNK game

So this means that sonic can now be in king of fighters right

game increased my testosterone level the moment i opened it