Top 10 Games I Played in 2022

Doesn't necessarily have to be released in 2022. Ranked based on what I would personally recommend, regardless of how objectively "good" it is.

This year, I watched a lot more films than I played video games. Still, some of these games were great experiences.


Undeniably one of the only video games I played this year that I felt strongly about. In this case, the mysterious narrative and genuine emotion (despite its technical limitations) really got me invested in the game's world and its characters. Plus the amazing art and music. Omori is a great game for anyone familiar with RPGmaker and willing to take up some pretty depressing stuff.
Undeniably one of the only video games that I played this year that I felt strongly about—but clearly not a game for everyone. Anyone who IS a Sonic fan, but has been burnt out by the recent direction of the 3D games, NEEDS to give Sonic Frontiers a try. Though I can't guarantee enjoyment, it's clear that Sonic Team has stepped it up in all departments—from story to music, to the amount of content and ambition that the games before Lost World were known for.
Full disclosure: I'm not a horror fan in any kind of media. So, I seriously did not expect myself to love the game as much as I did. Obviously, Resident Evil 4 isn't exactly the scariest game, but the emphasis on action really hooked me. Though the remake is on the horizon, the original game has aged pretty well (compared to other games released in its time) and remains an enjoyable experience to trek through.
Another surprise of 2022. Though I'm familiar with rhythm games, I was reminded WHY I like playing them through Rhythm Heaven Fever. Great music, quirky fun, and simple controls that do not prevent the many difficult stages this game has. I'm not joking when I say that this game can be very hardcore at times with its grading criteria.
Wasn't expecting much since Star Allies is a pretty low bar to overcome (Sonic, Kirby, and Pokemon all seem to be desiring change / further ambition with their IP), and even though I'm mostly indifferent with Forgotten Land, it's clearly a great game for fans and literally anyone else. Hits the right balance of simple yet challenging, has a good amount of content, and great music—as to be expected, of course.
I walked into this one knowing its flaws and issues, but I'm just as surprised myself that I still enjoyed the game. Like Sonic Frontiers, there's so many good ideas but without the means to execute them in the vision they wanted. I think there are MUCH better ways to spend your time, but if you're someone who hasn't played a Pokemon game since the 3DS, I think Violet / Scarlet will definitely feel "new". Whether that experience will be better or worse, I can't say. Give the game a shot if you get the chance and have the time.


Stumbled upon this game during a Game Dev club, and it's certainly an interesting "bite-sized" experience. Check it out if you want something quick to play.
Haven't finished it, but I've been through a sizeable portion of the game. Aside from the music, the game didn't really capture me as much as I thought it would. It's a fine game, especially for those who like a challenge, but Death's Door isn't anything I haven't seen before.
I'm sure anyone who's been dying for this sequel to come out will love the game unconditionally, but it's evident to me that it will unlikely impress anyone outside the fanbase. I'm not a fan of the direction they took with the mission structures, characters, and the overarching narrative, making it feel like an incoherent slog to play through with no real payoff (aside from its connections with the original game...). As far as JRPGs go, this is one that is completely skippable if you aren't interested at all.
I love WarioWare, and I liked that it tried to include the multiplayer aspect into its game direction, but that's pretty much it. Fun game for one night, but it's NOT worth the retail price they're asking for. Pick up at a sale or visit a library / friend's house for a copy since WarioWare games are always quirky, absurd fun.


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