This is a short indie low budget horror game that takes less than 2 hours to complete. The presentation is simplistic and interesting, featuring monochromatic scenes that resemble the graphics and art direction of old Macadventure games of the late 80s. Gameplay is set to point and click, moving between tiles and featuring puzzle solving by collecting items. Despite being very simple in its presentation, the game is fairly effective when it comes to horror elements by introducing sudden deaths and chase sequences that require the player to run and hide similarly to the Outlast games.

Cons for this game is the frequency and repetitiveness of the chase sequences which are abused later in the game, hindering the player progress; as well as the lack of detail for a lot of the 'squares' that comprise the Salazar house in the map. I wish more rooms and puzzles were added to extend the gameplay but overall this is worth checking out considering the low price point.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2022
