this game is just straight up not fun to play, and i usually am an advocate for games where people really hate the combat (like Scorn). every single encounter is essentially the exact same, the usage of slow motion every two seconds is grating, and sometimes the checkpoints are frustrating.

the story is... okay. it really really wants you to think it's well written. havent played through the dlc chapters yet but i probably will.

i feel like Control was an improvement in every single way over this game, which makes me still excited for Alan Wake 2.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023


1 year ago

but you get to swing a flashlight around!

1 year ago

but yeah, Remedy only gets better with each game. its a noticeably improvement every time

1 year ago

will have to play this again sometime before the new one comes out, to refresh what happened. remember being confused that the story dlc didn't really followup the cliffhanger (although i no longer remember what the cliffhanger was).

weirdest part to me was how they had the "previously on alan wake" recaps, but they were set up so that you would never actually see them when restarting the game, cuz it was just immediate after finishing the chapter no matter what.

1 year ago

yeah its very funny that after finishing an episode, there's just no quit to menu option or anything like that. you literally have to press the skip button and then it immediately plays a recap that you can't watch again.

also i started playing one of the dlc chapters and immediately got kinda fed up with the combat so i just went ahead and read the stories for both of them plus american nightmare; it's kinda crazy that the dlcs just dont push the story forward like at all.

i also just played through the control AWE dlc (which i hadnt until now, bc i didnt want alan wake spoiled) and - im not sure if you played it so i wont spoil it, but im not very happy with its implications