Fallen Order is the epitome of the phrase "nothing special." It's not that it's a bad game - far from it - it's just mind-bogglingly mediocre in every aspect, from its by-the-numbers story to its lobotomized Sekiro-lite combat. I don't need every game I play to be some striking work of originality - hell, I like Uncharted a lot - but it's rare that you encounter one that is so clearly grabbing ideas from the top X best-selling games of the past few years and Frankensteining them together into a money-grubbing monster.

Even considering its lack of interesting ideas, I would still give Fallen Order a higher rating if it had managed to execute those ideas with any sort of grace or finesse, but unfortunately that's not the case. It really just doesn't feel good in any aspect - the lightsaber fights feel mostly weightless and the Force powers just aren't as punchy as you'd want. The platforming is particularly rough, too.

If you're a big Star Wars fan, you'll probably still enjoy Fallen Order if you can accept it for what it is - a middle-of-the-road triple-A game. For me, it's just an embodiment of a lot of trends I dislike in the current crop of big-budget games, and as a result, I can't really recommend it to anyone else. Not bad, just boring.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2021
