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1 day

Last played

December 5, 2021

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Shadowrun Dragonfall is a truly great CRPG that I really enjoyed. It's been a joy to fall in love with each and every member of the team and delve into their past and backstories over time.

I also think the game handles it's themes really well, especially for a game. Where most games tend to beat you over the head with their ideas, Dragonfall presents a variety of conflicting ideas and leaves you to decide what you agree with.

The combat is well balanced while being challenging all throughout and I was able to get through the game without too much frustration even while playing as a decker (hacker in shadowrun).

I was also pleasantly surprised that all of the choices I made during character creation kept being relevant throughout. There was a really fun moment where an elf was going on about how elves have magical blood and my character (also an elf) was able to just say "no we don't you fucking dork".

Great game, heavily recommend it.