A shallow game that is pretending to say something, but falls flat on its face and says nothing. I wish it got more dev time to become something special, but what we have now is a hollow husk of a game set in a pr neat open world.

A mess of a video game made into a masterpiece by how damn good it feels to shcmoove in it.

The most beautiful case of Stockholm syndrome i've ever had with a video game.

If this game really did copy mortal kombat, then maybe mortal kombat would be good

This is a fake video game, it isnt real, you cant convince me this doesnt come from a family guy episode that makes fun of anime fighters

Anakaris is top 2 in this game and that's really funny.,

This is the "Anime you see at 2am where you feel like your missing out on some context and its kinda bad but you enjoy it immensely anyway" of video games

Theres a white guy jumpscare when you boot up the game.

Responsible for the class video "here comes pacman" so honestly game of the century

I like how the game claps when i find him