Crysis 2007

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I remember hearing about the “can it run Crysis” meme back in my freshmen year of high school. This was when “HD” was yet to be widespread, and the gray-sepia tones had ran amuck across every texture in the 7th generation.

One of my earliest gaming “holy shit” moments was when a wiser senior in my school had shown me the full capabilities of the PC. He had sent me a YouTube link that showcased Crysis at its highest settings. I was blown away. At the time, it felt like I was watching real life footage opposed to dancing polygons and shaders.

I think it was a few months after that I finally got my hands on a PS3 version of Crysis. Needless to say, it did not look half as good as its PC counterpart. But it was still enjoyable for me.

The game really reminds me of the Far Cry games (I’m aware that the first game was also made by Crytek), and a little bit of Predator. The openish-world’s progression is as quite interesting, and something I still haven’t seen done in the same way.

The suit and general hexagonal aesthetic is something to admire even today. The way the suit really bonded to its users gave it a life of its own.

The various modes, speed, armor, invisibility, felt so utilitarian in the best way possible. Protagonist and story was kinda forgettable, but everything else was done well. I would say my only grip would be the UI; the UI is super basic and lacks any of the game’s overall aesthetic, something that would go on to be improved in later entries.

Nothing to really talk about regarding the story, you’re a soldier with a super suit, fighting normal soldiers and eventually aliens.

Stealth mode made both the game and platinum trophy an easy trek. There are no collectibles and all trophies involve story missions or miscellaneous tasks.

Overall Rating: 78
Personal Difficulty: 30
Trophy Hunting Difficulty: 32