Honestly this game was kinda shite, but I’m Iraqi so I love it.

This game made me stop playing so many video games. I had put up with so much bullshit from other open world games like fetch quests and collectibles. This game is insane though. This game is how every open world game should be. No bullshit, just fantastic world design. And boss design. And character design. And game design. I will literally never stop glazing Miyazaki. It seems that from software knows so much about what makes games good. This game is such a fantastic achievement and it feels like the culmination of decades of video games. It really felt like the ultimate video game when it came out.

This is the pinnacle of video games. No video game comes close in terms of gameplay, boss fights, music, atmosphere. Everything about this game is exceptional. Yharnam is hauntingly beautiful and full of so many terrifying and nightmarish creatures which make such dreadful noises. The drip of the characters is phenomenal. The fact that this game has stagger? Holy shit it makes me feel like such an unstoppable hunter out to find and slaughter prey.

Bro, words are not enough, I need to fuck this game. I want to have sex with this game fr.

Incredible achievement in game design. I cannot believe this is a real game. Don’t even get me started on the dlc. The best dlc of any game. Elevates the whole game and the lore. Miyazaki is an artist in every sense of the word.

One of the greatest stories in any video game I’ve ever played, so emotional and thrilling. And then it’s accompanied by the goofiest side content I’ve ever seen in any game. That’s what makes it endearing in my opinion. It says so much about the human experience. We are not all serious, we do be joking around and playing with toy cars sometimes.

This game is like the godfather in the style of Scott pilgrim, and that really should not work. But not only does it work, it knocks that shit out of the park. Kiryu and Majima are two of the greatest video game protagonists ever and their story is fantastic.