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Manhunt 2
Manhunt 2

Jan 06

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God this game is so close to being an amazing forgotten gem but I just cannot ignore the high levels of jank the gameplay has with a story that kind of fizzles out halfway through. It has some of the highest highs of stealth based survival horror with some of the lowest lows of mediocre third person shooting with brain dead enemies and glitches galore. Its a shame that Rockstar has no plans to continue the series because the ideas this game has with glimpses of its brilliance in levels such as Sexual Deviants & Domestic Disturbance would be PERFECT for a modern day game. Unfortunately it just was super under baked in some parts and was thrown out due to the controversy of its existence.

Slightly worse than the first game, and hard as hell to come by, but if you want to just kill shit and feel badass then it can scratch that itch a little.