91 Reviews liked by Samy333

This game is bloated.

It can be fun... it is beautiful to look at for sure. But there's just soooo much fluff, so many meaningless activities that drain your overall enjoyment.

It was a bit of a struggle to finish. I had a lot of fun up to the 100h mark... and then it took me another 60 hours... And I skipped the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC because I was just done with it.

The story is also a bit inconsequential at the end. The artifacts are all meaningless.... I must've spent about 10 hours total running after tattoo designs... Yes I feel like a loser because of that.

get a grip lady. i really fucking loved having to play the entire boring ass game a second time to 100% it... NOT! the only part of this game i really liked was this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuyAJmOl09o

if you aren't patient, go to 0:22 for the good part!

I have legitimately NEVER been able to beat this game

One of the best and most rewarding 3D puzzle games out there, up there with the Portal series.
It also has a thought-provoking / philosophical narrative that's written with good taste.

There's not much to say about global aesthetics or sound design and I thought this would be a problem for me when I started the game. In the end it felt pretty homely this way as well as supported the Story factors of it.

Fun fact: the motion capture for this game was done during the Covid pandemic, therefore the scenes were made without physical contact and later edited to make it work.

me and my duo managed to actually keep everyone alive which was shocking, pretty fun game overall finished it all in one sitting :)

Until dawn com vampiros alienígenas...

The best entry in the Dark Pictures series, really enjoyed the story of this one. It had me guessing the first time through.

i think it's a fine enough platform game but not a remarkable one. If NSMB was easy this is waaaaayyyy easier, all the bosses felt like a joke and the music was also very forgettable, not bad but nothing to write home about

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Honestly, I don't get the hype.
The story on paper had some cool ideas and twists, but it is told in the most long-winded and slowest way possible. Even beyond the 20 hour long "prologue", the rest of it has atrocious pacing, every time the story gets going it has to reset and start a new vignette and delete any momentum that existed, I just could not stand that. The prose was supposed to be beautiful and evocative, but honestly it reads like an average novel, when it's not bogged down by repetitive and saccarine dialogues, at least. The translation's amazing tho. I couldn't connect to most of the characters personally, in the end it all turned out to be one giant trauma porn interconnected blob and that's just not my vibe.
The art and music slap so hard though, only part of the game I really enjoyed. I'm just kind of sad I can't connect positive memories with that beatiful soundtrack.
So yeah, get the writer an editor, shave off like 40% of this game's useless dialogues and maybe you get a decent story.

It's incredibly mid. Imagine Untiled Goose Game, but not as good. A simple 3D platformer with janky controls, grindy gameplay and annoying elements. There's fun to be had here since it is quite cute and also very short, but there's no replay value and it's definitely not worth the £20 asking price. I'd buy it for about £7/8 max.

the millennial cringe is strong with this one

Charming cute game. Too short, pricey for how short it is at 25 dollars end- but if you play on the xbox gamepass it's worth the time for sure.
Very dialogue heavy, I often accidentally misclick choices because they don't give you a stop when you skip through lines very fast.

Super janky control for a game reliant on platforming. I would say that the game itself is super buggy on release unfortunately. Didn't ruin my enjoyment but definitely a glaring issue. I loved the ending I just wish there was more.

An open world experience that at times is fun, but more often than not shrouded by frustrating platforming and game breaking bugs.

For a game that titles itself as being a big city, it feels surprisingly small. The only thing that saves the scale is the verticality, but unfortunately that verticality is not much fun to explore.

The writing at time is charming but at other times is too bogged down with cultural references and meme humor.

In the end, I still ended up finishing the story so something drove me through. I just wish I could have gotten all the achievements before a few of them became impossible due to glitches.