A perfect example in favour of style over substance.
At its core, this game is a buggy and repetitive mess, but consuming it as a form of art opens your eyes to all of its charm, humour and bravery. It just takes everything the developers thought was badass and mashes it together in this amazing mess.
There are 100 things that are bad about this game but the game in itself is not what this is about. The gameplay is a mere shell for the design and storytelling purposes like an unsalted nacho is a mere base for the guacamole. It has, what a lot of AAA games are missing nowadays.
Its character, hard edges, original ideas and jokes which go further than your everyday MCU puns.
Whoever played Drakengard 3 will feel a lot of similarities between those two games. Both are those weird pieces of media that just from looking at the gameplay shouldn't be rated nearly as high, but both are more than just that and keep players in love.
One of the most Iconic titles for the Wii and I still can't believe they were allowed to release this game on Nintendo's most family-friendly console to date.

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2024
