Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

July 21, 2023

First played

December 30, 2022

Platforms Played


"This is a category of game I would call a generically good game"
-Past Me (spoken like a true dumbass)
I went on a vacation to Hawaii recently and a friend recommended a challenge to me of only playing on my 3ds instead of my switch in my downtime and so decided to replay this. I used to say this game was good but nothing great. But replaying nah this game is a jam. It isn't as polished as 8 but it controls really well and the glider mechanic was very well utilized. And the track line up is also great I found few to no stinkers in there both remixed and new, heck it probably has my favorite rendition of Rainbow Road. Looking back now Mario Kart 7 is like Doom 2016. Yeah its sequel went on to surpass it in nearly every aspect, but it's still an awesome experience in it's own right

This is a category of game I call a generically good game. It has few to no flaws but doesn't have much that makes it spectacular. There are certainly highlight tracks that make me won't deny I was genuinely enjoying myself, but in the end there isn't much that it does the 8 does as well and does much better. I understand this is meant for a portable system to take on trips and for kids this would definitely be one of the best options to take on the road. This isn't a bad game (far from that in fact) but it's just as I said before generically good