I am still so fucking depressed at how abhorrently this game turned out. All of the dark, emotionally driven mastery of TOB and TNO, and the wacky zaniness of TNC are gone. They straight up Star Wars Sequelified Wolfenstein.

I should note, I don't hate the Blaskowicz twins because they're women (TheQuartering and all the other incel gamers can kindly piss off) I hate them because they are cringe 80s stereotypes with no chemistry and awful writing. But they aren't even the worst characters in this game's story... to myth utter shock, that award of shit went to their old man. Character assassination doesn't even begin to describe it, he has been DECIMATED by this game, and turned into a sniveling coward who no longer cares about the world he set out to save. The villain is also plainly fucking embarrassing too, go figure.

Oh and this is without even getting into the grindy, repetitive, unfinished, microtransaction-filled pissfest that is the rest of the game, but I honestly can't. Thinking about this game pisses me off so fucking badly. Fuck you MachineGames, I have utterly zero faith Wolfenstein III will be any good now, my hope in this new saga is fucking dead and gone.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2023
