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1 day

Last played

February 3, 2024

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To avoid spoilers for the whole series, I'll keep the story stuff brief, but basically this is set during the events of Persona 5, and gives us some more time with the characters before we learnt about their 'true' selves. Needless to say it's great to see them again despite the slight confusion as to when this is actually set.

It doesn't really have anything to do with the base game until the very end, but this is a short but sweet story about another aspect of societal outcasts that hasn't been touched upon within Persona 5 before. It's not too deep, but I absolutely love the setting, the way this DLC uses colour and graffiti to overwrite the normal Persona 5 red is so cool.

Gameplay is carried over but there's an added element in the paint scattered around the battlefield. You now must consider what colour the ground beneath your feet is and figure out how to turn it in your favour, otherwise you won't even be able to attack, and will be left wide open for enemies to massacre you.

It adds extra layers onto the base game, and can get especially hard during boss fights, but I found it a great brain teaser. You're limited in party composition, but I feel the short length makes this a non issue, there's no side quests its just a straight shot to the end.

They also went so hard on the music for this, the new tracks added here are amongst my favourite in the whole game.

This is a great example of a DLC twisting elements to make a fresh experience within the same game, and I enjoyed it a lot - 8/10