Over-long and meandering sequel to the tight and focused 2018 surprise. I understand the impulse to increase the scope and stakes of a sequel but often found myself lost as to what, specifically, I was doing and what it accomplished within the larger narrative and unfortunately even the combat which is very strong generally had worn out it's welcome by the time I reached the finish line. This is ultimately a good game bogged down by just how much of it there is vs what was actually needed or even desired.

On the plus side I was surprised at how much I enjoyed using Atreus when the game made me do so and the Draupnir Spear is an incredibly cool addition to Kratos' arsenal. The Leviathan Axe and the Blades of Chaos are obviously immensely iconic and cool weapons and I think that the spear is strong enough to stand beside them is a huge achievement.

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
