I played 2 versions of this game at different points of time. The one scene that I remember was when the guy was running to get on the personnel carrier truck and then gets blown up by a mortar. That was crazy. I played this on Wii and the motion controls blew my mind. The other version was a borrowed PS2 version.

I think this is a good game because I completed it. Only play it if you really want to play a World War 2 COD game.

This is one of the Bethesda games of all time.

Most sterile , safe sci Fi universe I have ever experienced. Not a modicum of inspiration in this game. Girlbosses will tell you what to do at every turn. Not a single memorable quest. People shit on fallout 4 for the Dialog being yes and sarcastic yes. Guess what? Don't let the long dialog options fool you , it's the exact same thing.

Base building and spaceship customization is pretty good though.

This "game" is a modding platform through and through.

Billions of hours invested into making nerd scientists workstations realistic and cluttered. Just put a skeleton in a toilet and call it a day, that was way better.

Game runs like shit in New Atlantis which is good because all the quests there suck.

Wait for a steep discount and all the dlc to come out.

Autistic Japanese man makes a game about western fairytales.
Very very very good. It's like my dark twisted fantasy. Dedicated r*pe button.

A very safe sequel. Takes things up a notch here and there. Gameplay is more or less the same as the first, with a new variety of weapons.

New gampleay feature of Umbral Climax is not that good in my opinion. Torture Attacks in the first game serve as a reward for playing well and lets you target really annoying enemies to eliminate first and foremost. Umbral Climax is just a fuck everything button.

The Story is Okay. The Music is Good. Not too long and very replayable.

This is Kamiya's true sequel to Devil May Cry. An evolution to the former in almost all respects. The first time I played it was on a demo disc on my friends 360 when I was 12. It was really sick we would try to get the camera stick to naughty angles.

An important mechanic to learn is dodge offset. Watch matthewmatosis' video on how to do it. Once you figure out how to do insane amounts of damage instead of spamming the attack button the game just clicks.

Being able to set weapons on different limbs is a neat feature that changes up the timing and variety of attacks.

The story is OK. The music is excellent. High replayability.