1 review liked by Sedron

I really wanted to like this game, I've been eagerly anticipating its release ever since I saw it on Twitter, but man, I was kinda let down with this one. The game requires precise platforming while simultaneously having floaty, sluggish, unresponsive controls (the dev said they took influence from Melee so that checks out), the combat is confusing and unenjoyable, and it features that thing that old shitty NES platformers loved to do where when you get hit you get knocked back and stunned, leading to you falling all the way back down to the bottom of whatever platforming section you were doing, and because being one of the worst platformer design tropes of all time wasn't enough you also have to do a Smash-style landing tech in order to get up with any semblance of expediency which is just...GREAT for the gamefeel.

I imagine the game gets more bearable further on, it's a Metroidvania after all, and it's got a funny premise/vibe(?) but man, this was a huge disappointment.