Sea of Stars isn't particularly bad it's just mediocre (a common word in critical reviews). It starts off in a really bad way that takes the wind out of its sails early on. It's an extended intro cutscene that introduces our exceedingly bland main cast, then transitions into the simple gameplay that will hold you hostage for the next 20 hours. This game was a 2/5 at best until the late game. When the map opens up you can fight challenging bosses and use your party members to their full potential. It was only then that I was really having fun. What isn't fun is the uninteresting story and consecutive dungeons with baby mode puzzles and exhausting combat encounters. The action commands don't do the combat any favors because it's rarely incorporated into attacks in any interesting ways. You will be using the same moonerang spell for the whole ass game.

I'm not smart enough to comprehend why the writing is so uncanny but multiple people have expressed the same sentiment that it doesn't feel right. I specifically despise when they make meta jokes about jrpg tropes and stuff like "the GOAT boat."

Game looks wonderful I just wish the art was attached to a better game. I bought the game but I would recommend using gamepass for it.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023


8 months ago

Was really looking forward to play this game, damn. I guess I'll leave it for now.

8 months ago

Many people found a lot to like here so I wouldn't want to totally dissuade you. I just think it's a risky buy at full price.

8 months ago

Nah, I'm playing it with game pass so no risky buy. I just don't want to sink my time in something I probably won't like.