I expected this game to be way better than it is based on what I've heard about it. I like the aesthetics, but that ended up being all it has going for it. Four chapters in I was ballparking that there would be like eight total but there's TWENTY. Very bad sign when I'm wondering when a game ends so early in.

The main issue with this game is that the combat is a complete joke and remains effectively the same from prologue to final chapter. It's a very literal masher with next to no challenge. It's backed up by RPG mechanics and stat customization that barely matter. I like to think I could tolerate samey combat if it's at least moderately fun to play but it straight up is not fun from the first minute. Total slog.

You do a story segment where you pick up and throw things, then get sent to do side quests where you pick up and throw things on the same reused maps. Exploring areas is plagued with interjections from your party telling you things you should already know about what to do next (e.g. "Looks like we need a crate for that button!"). The story doesn't do it any favors in between these segments. It comes across to me as just anime slop but it's made worse by the looming dread of more grabbing and throwing after the text ends. Occasionally there is a segment where you partake in a plane race, and it somehow manages to be even worse than normal gameplay.

There could be a version of this game that expanded and interesting. Free from the limitations of the Nintendo DS and blessed with modern action rpg design. I hope that comes to exist some day, because I'd love to see it. Not any time soon probably, since FUGA seems to be seeing success in its own style. Two stars is a generous rating as I have very few good things to say about this game. I really truly wanted it to be good. At least the characters are cute.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2023
