Although I'm technically not done playing the game, I've seen the credits, so I can only assume I've reached the minimum experience to say I beat it.

I briefly played world, but I couldn't stick with it and I think that's most likely due to my lack of friends to play it with. I missed the boat and playing solo just wasn't captivating. It's precisely for that reason that I don't rate this game higher. I don't envision a world where I play and enjoy this game from start to finish without friends to do it with me. These games are basically just a series of boss fights and I'm not personally satisfied enough by making armor and weapons to want to fight the same creatures tens of times by myself or with randoms. The sections that don't involve fighting monsters see you collecting items or delivering them which is frankly terrible. There are weird tower defense missions called rampages that are also horrible. I did one solo and it was a nightmare experience. No no. Icky.

Having friends also spared me the stress of navigating the hell that is the tutorials. There are so many different moving parts in this game and having to learn them all from zero is a hell of a task. For me anyway, it is overwhelming and the result was me skipping textboxes so I could get to the interesting stuff. Friends filled in the rest.

There's a lot to like about this game though. It's enough that I've spent tens of hours and am willing to keep booting it up. If it resonates with you more it's easy to see how one could spend hundreds of hours.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022
