I can see how this game was impactful for a lot of people for its presentation alone. While it doesn't look great by today's standards, there are still some cool set pieces.

The combat makes up a majority of the game and unfortunately it gets incredibly samey. Enemies don't get mixed up enough so it feels like mashing in the direction of the same few enemies for the whole duration. The platforming and puzzles are very underwhelming, and slowly pushing things around starts to feel like a running gag.

I started on hard difficulty but died enough that the game prompted me to lower the difficulty (allegedly). I bypassed this prompt without even noticing until the save screen said I was on easy mode. There was no way to change it back, which was lame. Although, It may have been a god send (no pun intended). If the game were more tedious it's totally possible I would have hated the game or just given up.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2022
