Stinky game, what a shame. It's just inferior to 1-3 in every way. I like the concept of the game, how you have the first person segment in the room that convey the story and act as a hub. Unfortunately, how it ties into the gameplay is just frustrating with all the back and forth. I love how you can look out the window and see a normal bustling city while all the freaky shit is going on in your one apartment. On the flip side, the game is so disconnected from the actual town of Silent Hill that it feels disappointing to me. The game really just drops you in to all the spooky stuff and has no setup or development for the characters. Because of that it loses a lot of the memorability. Side characters are introduced in a formulaic fashion, which makes sense in context but isn't satisfying. The ghosts that hunt you down are so lame. Even more so when you have to escort an npc. The sound effects are insanity to me. Why do the dogs make stock jaguar sounds? Why do the patients make burping noises with no impact sound?

I always appreciate an attempt to do something different, but in this case they needed to workshop a little more.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2022
